In 2014 one of our techs released a hammer for a password expiry report. Over the last few years it has been updated several times, and as such we are releasing this updated hammer.
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<# Get-ADUserPasswordExpiryReport By A Tech With a Hammer Created: December 2, 2014 Last Update: January 11th, 2018 To do Add in the synopsis so this utility is a little more useful and less, as it was still not added as of 2018 #> param( [string]$ReportPath = ".\PasswordExpiryReports", [string]$SearchBase = "OU=Users,DC=techwithahammer,DC=com", [string]$Age = 14, [boolean]$SendReport = $true, [string]$ReportFrom = "", [string]$ReportTo = "", [string]$ReportSubject = "Password Expiry Report", [boolean]$SendNotice = $true, [string]$NoticeFrom = "", [string]$NoticePath = ".\PasswordExpiryNotice.html", [string]$NoticeSubject = "Password Expiring", [string]$SMTPServer = "", [string]$SMTPPort = 25, [boolean]$QuoteOfTheDay = $true [string[]]$QuoteOfTheDayServers = @(""), [boolean]$debugging = $false ) if (!(Test-Path $ReportPath)) { try { New-Item -ItemType Directory $ReportPath } catch { Throw "Report Path does not exist" Exit 5 } } $ReportEmailHeader = @" <style> Table {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color #000000; border-collapse: collapse;; padding: 2px; } th {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color #000000; background-color: #000000; color: #ffffff; padding: 2px; } td {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color #000000; background-color: #ffffff; padding: 2px; } </style> "@ if ($SendNotice) { if (!(Test-Path $NoticePath)) { Throw "Require valid notice template to send notices. $NoticePath does not exist" Exit 1 } $EmailNotice = (Get-Content $NoticePath) } try { Import-Module ActiveDirectory } Catch { Throw "Unable to load Active Directory module" Exit 1 } $DomainMaxPasswordAge = (Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy).MaxPasswordAge if ($DomainMaxPasswordAge -eq $null -or $DomainMaxPasswordAge -le 0) { Throw "Domain does not have a password expiry policy" if ((get-addomain).domainmode -lt 3) { Throw "Unable to continue as domain mode is less than Windows2008Domain" Exit 4 } } $Users = ( get-aduser -searchbase "$SearchBase" -filter {Enabled -eq $true -and PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false} -properties DisplayName,PasswordLastSet,PasswordExpired,EmailAddress,GivenName,sn | where {$_.PasswordLastSet -ne $null} ) If ($Users -eq $null) { Throw "No users found" Exit 2 } else { if ($SendNotice -eq $true -and !(Test-Path $NoticePath)) { Throw "$NoticePath template required for sending notices" Exit 3 } $Results = @() ForEach ($User in $Users) { $UserAccountName = $User.sAMAccountName $UserDisplayName = $User.DisplayName $UserFirstName = $User.GivenName $UserLastName = $ $UserEmailAddress = $User.EmailAddress $Today = (Get-Date -UFormat %c ) if ((get-addomain).domainmode -ge 3) { $UserPasswordMaxAge = (Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy $User -erroraction SilentlyContinue).MaxPasswordAge } if ($UserPasswordMaxAge -eq $null) { $UserPasswordMaxAge = $DomainMaxPasswordAge } $UserPasswordExpiry = ($User.PasswordLastSet + $UserPasswordMaxAge) $UserPasswordExpiryDays = (new-timespan -start (get-date) -end $UserPasswordExpiry).Days if ($UserPasswordExpiryDays -le $Age) { $Results += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ 'Account Name' = $UserAccountName 'First Name' = $UserFirstName 'Last Name' = $UserLastName 'Password Expiry Date' = $UserPasswordExpiry 'Days Until Expired' = $UserPasswordExpiryDays } if ($SendNotice -and $UserPasswordExpiryDays -ge 0) { $UserNotice = ($EmailNotice -replace "%Username%","$UserAccountName" | Out-String) $UserNotice = ($UserNotice -replace "%DaysLeft%","$UserPasswordExpiryDays") $UserNotice = ($UserNotice -replace "%DisplayName%","$UserDisplayName") $UserNotice = ($UserNotice -replace "%FirstName%","$UserFirstName") $UserNotice = ($UserNotice -replace "%LastName%,""$UserLastName") $UserNotice = ($UserNotice -replace "%Today%","$Today") Send-MailMessage -From $NoticeFrom -To $UserEmailAddress -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -Subject $NoticeSubject -Body $UserNotice -BodyAsHTML if ($debugging) { $UserNotice } } } } } $Results = ($Results | Sort 'Password Expiry Date') $ReportDateTime = (Get-Date -UFormat %m-%d-%y ) $ReportFilePath = "$ReportPath\ADUserPasswordExpiryReport-$ReportDateTime.csv" if ($Results -ne $null) { $Results | Select 'Password Expiry Date','Account Name','First Name','Last Name','Days Until Expired' | Export-CSV $ReportFilePath -NoTypeInformation if ($debugging) { $Results } } if ($SendReport) { if ($QuoteOfTheDay) { try { $svr = $QuoteOfTheDayServers[(Get-Random -maximum $QuoteOfTheDayServers.Count)] $conn = new-object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient($svr,17) $str = $conn.GetStream() $buf = new-object System.Byte[] 4096 $count = $str.Read($buf, 0, 4096) $QOTD = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($buf,0,$count) $str.close() $conn.close() if ($debugging) { $QOTD } } catch { # do nothing } } if ($Results -ne $null) { $ReportEmailBody = ($Results | Select 'Password Expiry Date','Account Name','First Name','Last Name','Days Until Expired' | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $ReportEmailHeader | Out-String) } else { $NumberOfUsers = $Users.count $ReportEmailBody = "0 out of $NumberOfUsers users found with expiring passwords.`r`nSir, you have won this day, but for naught you know it will happen soon" if ($QOTD -ne $null) { $ReportEmailBody += "<br>`r`n<br>`r`n$QOTD" } } if(Test-Path $ReportFilePath) { Send-MailMessage -From $ReportFrom -To $ReportTo -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -Subject $ReportSubject -Body $ReportEmailBody -BodyAsHTML -Attachments $ReportFilePath } else { Send-MailMessage -From $ReportFrom -To $ReportTo -SMTPServer $SMTPServer -Subject $ReportSubject -Body $ReportEmailBody -BodyAsHTML } } |
As well, the HTML template that we used to notify our users here at Tech With a Hammer can be referenced below
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%DisplayName%, <p> This email is an automated notification that your password is going to expire in %DaysLeft% days.</br> You will receive this email daily until your password expires or you change your password. <p> Once your password expires you will lose access to network resources, so please change it soon. <p> You may change your password by logging into any office PC, Press "CTRL+ALT+DELETE" and press "Change a password". If you're out of the office click <a href="">here</a> to login to Outlook Web Access and change your password by clicking "options" and then "change password". <p> Don't forget to input your new password on your phone, iPad, etc. <p> If you require assistance or have a question about this, just reply to this email and let me know. <p> Thank you,<br> Just Another Tech With a Hammer <p> <font size="-1">Your friendly neighbourhood IT Department!</font><br> <font size="-3">This notice was sent %Today%.</font> |